Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Last month, I made 7 goals.

February goals:

go to the gym more often (not done)
save money (done)
read 2 books (done...i actually read closer to 5)
find a roommate for march (if our current situation holds, then this is also done)
line up job(s) for the summer (currently one is in the works and the other is a go)
catch up with friends and pen pals (friends-yes, pen pals-no...i need to still work on this)
create/make cd swap lists/cds (done and done!!)

5 out of 7 isn't too terrible.

This month I am making 6 goals:

In March I will.......
continue to catch up with friends and pen pals
work on being on time
read at least 2 books
continue saving money
take lots of awesome prego pictures for my good friend Jen
lose some weight

What are your March goals?


1 comment:

  1. Let's catch up, pen pal, and get back at it!!! :) I miss you!


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