Saturday, March 31, 2012

365 (march)

I feel like so much has happened this month.
I read 3 books, went to the monster jam, ate lots of sweets (including way too many girl scout cookies), found a new local place to eat (Alpha Dog), did a lot of dog sitting, had Spring break, got lunch with my mom (like old times), caught up with my sister and her kids, wore my pretty green dress a lot, had a lot of needed me time, crafted more, biked more, spent lots of needed girl time with friends, planned for my friend's baby shower, took tons of maternity photos, had Steven's parents visit, watched the Hunger Games movie!!!!, got sunburned, threw our friend's baby shower, and hurt another finger due to basketball.

Thanks March for being so good to me!!


  1. Wow you have had a awesome month!
    Love the pink bike. The book at the beginning looks interesting, how was it, was it good??

  2. I read Mr Darcy Broke My Heart. I really liked it. What did you think?


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