Thursday, March 8, 2012

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 40

Just in case you didn't see last week's list (which introduced this week's list/post), you can check it out here.

The point of list 40 was to be more positive and to seek out the good in everyday life. This list was kind of a challenge for me for a couple of reasons.

1- I'm pretty bad about writing things down right away and then I typically forget the even all together.

2-I have a hard time always seeing the good in things. I let the bad overrun the good sometimes, and I hate that, which is why this list was created in the first place. To push me, challenge me, and then uplift my spirits. So hopefully we can do that together.

Anyway, down to the main reason you're reading this post:

List 40: The small, medium, and amazing things that happened throughout your week.

Here's mine:

- when my car died last monday, the guy that came to fix it was super nice and helpful

-a neighbor of mine offered to let me borrow his umbrella as I was standing out in the pouring rain during said car problems

- my coworkers were extremely supportive of my being late (because of car) and then later in the week because I got really sick

-Steven was a good boyfriend while I was sick and feeling miserable and stayed home with me and tried to take care of me

-2 days of fro yo

-FREE fro yo

-FREE starbucks venti (thanks gold card!)

- finished a new book

- new awesome tv shows last monday (Castle and Gossip Girl)

-dinner with my pal, ashley (for GG night) last monday

-new scarf and hat from my momma

-dinner at my favorite sushi place with my pal jen thursday night

-venting time with my good pals

-an amazing date night friday with Steven (and yummy seafood)

-a great monster jam saturday with friends

-lots of sleep (which helped me feel so much better)

-caring co-workers and bosses that always ask how i am (and care)

-my students that give the sweetest hugs and comments

-feeling great in my new clothes (and purse!)

-getting my tax return back (and being able to pay off bills with it!!)

-hugs from Steven

-hugs from my momma

-got my girl scout cookies!!

So what was on your list?


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