Thursday, March 15, 2012

a me day

Every once and awhile we all need that kind of day. A day to unwind and not have to think about anything or anyone. The weekends are suppose to be for that, but I feel like most of the time the weekends come down to other things. And I rarely get time to do everything I want to do and nothing else.

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to get half the day off (thanks to an awesome co-worker, who took my afternoon school shift).

So what did I do?

I checked out a new bakery. Ok, well new to me.
I sat and read and had coffee and a french macaroon (to test taste for a friend...shhh).

I ran errands and kept the sunroof open the entire time.

I crafted and finished the Kellie and Steven book (our year one book).
I also started working on our year 2 book, which is almost done as well!

Then I made dinner (to no avail, since I was the only one home to eat it...)
Drank lots of wine.
Made cupcakes.
And watched even more of The Tudors.

To sum it up, a wonderful day.


1 comment:

Your comments brighten my day. And I promise, while I may not respond to every one of them, I read every single on of them.
Thanks for stopping by. :)