Sunday, April 1, 2012

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 44

Last month I made some goals. I reached some, but not all of them. But I'm kind of use to that. I don't always expect to make each one, but I want to strive for it at least.

So since today is the start of a new month, I decided it would be a perfect list for this week.

Last month's goals:

In March I will.......

continue to catch up with friends and pen pals (yes with friends, and somewhat with pen pals)
work on being on time (yes, some...)
read at least 2 books (yes, 3)
continue saving money (yes)
take lots of awesome prego pictures for my good friend Jen (yes, 2 shoots and then some at the baby shower)
lose some weight (nope)

In April I want to.....
read at least 2 books
go camping
get tickets for Chicago in June
plan a blogger get together
have an awesome easter (and remember the real reason for the season)
continue using my rebel camera to capture memories
get a bathing suit body back

What's on your to-do list for April?


  1. Hey girlie, we need to catch up soon, I started writing you an email but it was a downer... so I will wait til I can write an upper! :) Love you xo

  2. wonderful! i hope you get to go camping. is there a lot of camping places in fl?
    i will have to send you a postcard, i miss the days when we did penpals!


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