Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

This past weekend was such a good one. It just went by way too fast.
Steven and I went down to his hometown Friday and hung out with his family all weekend. We played Cornhole, told stories, watched tv, and on Sunday went to the Sunrise Mass at the beach. I've never gone before and I am so glad I did. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced. Just feeling God in all that He's created, as the sun came up over the waves. Beautiful. Perfect.

Today I had to go back to work (well, one of them), but I had a half day. And I took full advantage of it. I had lunch with Steven downtown (he had jury duty), then handed out resumes, went to the pool and played croquet, and then cleaned my closet (which is part of my "clean project", a part of my list 43).
Now it's time to work on some minibooks, clean a little bit more, and finish watching Gossip Girl!

Happy Monday everyone!

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