Friday, May 4, 2012

dear 25

 Dear 25,

I am looking so forward to what you have in store. Maybe it sounds corny, but I just have this good feeling (or at least a lot of hope) that you will be good. How could you not? You are my favorite number squared (that's 5 for all you non math folk). And trust me, I am serious about this number stuff. How could I not be, when my birthday is 5-5 and 5 has been my favorite number since I can remember.

So I'm excited for tomorrow, the cinco de kellie where I turn a quarter of a century years old. Where I get to celebrate a new year with friends and family, pancakes and coronas. And I am excited for this upcoming year and all the possibilities it holds.

This year I plan on achieving all of my 25 before 26 goals. I am going to try my absolute darnedest at being more positive and looking on the bright side of things. I plan on getting closer to God and remembering that He knows what's best. I plan on regaining hope for my future.

I hope that all of you will stay with me. I know that this blog isn't always the most exciting, nor is it always the happiest, but I really am anxious for what this new year brings and I can't wait to share it here with yall as well.

Here's to a new year. A new age. And a new outlook.
Happy birthday to me!! (And happy Cinco de Kellie to you all! hehe).

ps. my dear friend Chelsea blogged about me and my birthday. i'm seriously honored (I love that girl sooo much). Please stop by her awesome blog and say hello.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope its everything you've dreamed of!
    P.S Love your blog :)
    I'm a new follower Xx

  2. Happy Happy Birthday Kellie!!
    I hope you have an amazing day and an incredible year!
    I love your blog! It is never boring!
    Happy Birthday to you!


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