Wednesday, May 2, 2012

dear blogspot- im mad at you!!!!

So I'm trying really hard to post m 365 (April edition), but I HATE the new set up for blogger. I honestly have tried for 2 nights to upload and place these stupid pictures and it just isn't working. Is there some sort of trick???? If anyone knows, please share!
Does anyone else also hate the new setup as much as I do???



  1. I've switched to Wordpress, so I haven't seen the new Blogger, but you might consider hosting your images somewhere else (like Flickr or Photobucket) if you're having trouble uploading.

    On Flickr, you can select the HTML code for various sizes of the photo and just paste it into the HTML editor of the blog!

  2. This isn't the Sportscenter homepage.... But I agree, the old Blogger was better. Just like the old Facebook was the best Facebook.

  3. This isn't the Sportscenter homepage.... But I agree, the old Blogger was better. Just like the old Facebook was the best Facebook.

  4. I hate it tooooooo!! IT'S CRAP! :)

  5. Not a fan of the new set up of Blogger either. I think that is why I have not posted in a while....



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