Friday, June 22, 2012

back to reality

 Well.... vacation is definitely over. But luckily, Steven and I only had a 2 day work week and it's now the weekend! Huzzah!! 

I feel like our trip came at the perfect time. I was feeling so overwhelmed and stressed before we left. I literally was just over Jacksonville and all it had to offer (or lack there of). I was emotionally and physically drained. But the week away gave me clarity and some relaxation. I feel so much better for it. And the best part is that I was also ready to come home. I was ready to get back to work. Ready to see my girl friends. Ready to visit baby Keagan some more (my good friend Jen's 1 week old baby). Ready to sleep in my own bed.

Sometimes I think I just need a little boost and a quick reminder of how great life really can be. It's hard to see past the pitfalls and negativity at times. I feel like I've been dwelling too much on that lately. But now that I'm home again, I hope to not let it get me down.  In fact, I even got a rejection letter (subject to be talked about later) and didn't get upset. I didn't throw it away either, but bookmarked it with a note to myself. It's a good reminder that sometimes what we see as rejection isn't, but in fact it is just God saying "Not now" or "I've got something better in mind for you".

xo, kel


  1. Glad you and Steven got the chance to relax and spend time together!

  2. Just letting you know I love your blog! :) I've been following for a while, not sure if I've ever commented though. Also letting you know I'm grabbing a button to add to my blog! :)


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