Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy 25th birthday Leigh!!

 Today my bestie, Leigh, turns 25!!!
The only thing that sucks about today is that I can't spend it with her.... and this time we're finally in the same state!
Leigh is seriously one of the best people I know. Without her, college life would have been unbearable (and probably the end of high school too). She's my best friend. My soulmate. She's put up with so much of my crap and still calls me a friend. She's always been there when I've needed her, no questions asked. She has such an incredible heart and is always willing to put others first. She is seriously an amazing person and incredible role model and I've learned so much from her these past 9 or so years. I'm blessed to be able to call her my bestie!!
So happy birthday Leigh-leigh!!! I hope it's the best yet, because you deserve it!

love always and always,

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