Tuesday, July 24, 2012

celebrating his would be 61st

Dear Dad,
I remember the last birthday of yours we celebrated. You turned the big 5-0. But even with your salt and pepper hair, you still looked and acted young.
Eleven years have passed and today we should be celebrating your 61st birthday together. More than anything I wish that we were. You were my best friend and I miss you still everyday. But it helps knowing you're in a better place. I just hope they serve cake in heaven!
Always yours,


  1. I'm bawling over here- what a sweet message to your dad :) I recently lost my step-dad whom I was very close to.

    Happy birthday to your dad! If they are having cake up there in heaven, maybe my stepdad is helping him celebrate!

    xo Kayla

  2. Thinking of you!!
    Sending you a giant hug!


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