Monday, July 16, 2012

over the weekend

This past weekend was full. And wonderful. Although, I didn't exactly get to do everything I go to the pool with some girl friends or bike ride with some other friends..... (boo).
But we did celebrate a friends birthday. And we also took a short trip to St Augustine, one of my favorite cities!!
 And of course any time I get to spend with baby Keags is pretty awesome....
Saturday about 5/7's of us ended up wearing v-necks. I nicknamed us the v-neck crew and promptly decided we needed a picture.
 And Steven decided he wanted to stroll baby Keagan through the city. I have to say, watching Steven want to hold Keags and stroll him, and everything else was pretty awesome. One day that guy is gonna be a great dad.
I also got to try a new restaurant. It was amazing. Beyond amazing actually. And in Stellie points, it is a 8.5.

While wandering around St. Augustine I kept remembering past times I had been there. Like when we went on a pub ghost crawl (which was pretty amazing). Or when I went there for the first time in 6th grade on a field trip. Everything seemed so big and new and exciting then. And of course I also kept remembering the times I went in college with my good friends. Sometimes it's nice reliving sweet memories like that. And it's also nice making more there too.


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