Friday, August 10, 2012

a bittersweet goodbye

Today I said goodbye to my law firm job. It was extremely bittersweet. I said goodbye to a place that has been like a second home to me for six years. I've seen so many people come and go through those doors, and now I've been added onto that list.
What's funny is that I've said so many goodbyes to that place, that it has yet to really hit home that this time it was my last. A few times I was simply filling in for someone. I also had to say goodbye when I left to complete school and took on my full-time internship. And now, I'm leaving for my dream job. Bittersweet is definitely the perfect word.
But I will miss all my coworkers and bosses. Today the 3 of us that are left went out to lunch. My boss, the gentleman he is, paid. And they gave me the sweetest card. I had to stop myself from crying, because it was that touching. These people have seen me grow up from a teenager to an adult, with an adult job. We've spent so many years together and have gotten to know each other and each others families. I feel like I'm closing a chapter in my life.
But I am excited for this new chapter. I'm scared, but I cannot wait to get to meet my students and explore science with them. I'm not entirely sure what this year has in store for me, but I'm anxious to learn.

Until then.......


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you and your new adventures! Sounds like you will be truly missed at the law firm but they are so happy for you and your new opportunities!
    Can't wait to see how all of this goes for you! So happy for you! :)


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