Thursday, August 23, 2012

my completed classroom!!!

This is my classroom. I love it. And since it is where I spend most of my time now, I'm glad I spent so much time on it before and during pre-planning week. All the little touches really helped it make it special. And pinterest of course helped too!!

So far this week has been tiring and has tested me, but it's been good. I have some great students and even though I have 3 classes, each one has been good (for the most part). And I love, love, LOVE m co-workers. They are some of the most helpful, caring, and amazing people I could ever ask to work with. And one of my favorite parts about this place??? Well, one is that on the first day I got to wear jeans and cowboy boots (because we were dressed as farmers, due to our school theme "sowing the seeds of love"). But the main one is that during our very first faculty meeting not only did we have amazing food to eat, but we also all prayed over it, even praying the Lord's Prayer. Granted, we are not a private school. But it is so awesome working with people that are so God loving and fearing.
Here's to hoping that this year continues to be great!


  1. wow, that sounds really amazing! I'm so happy for you!!!!! <3

  2. That's so cool about people praying over the food before you eat - I think I'd get laughed out of our team meeting if I turned round and asked to say grace lol. Then again they are a pretty cool bunch so who knows they might surprise me!

  3. Kellie,
    Your room looks amazing! I love that you are able to pray! What a blessing! Have a wonderful year!


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