Wednesday, August 1, 2012

pretty dresses for wedding occasions

So one of my very best friends is getting married. And between throwing parties and helping her with whatever plans she has for me (as maid of honor), I've also been dress dreaming. I feel like there are so many occasions for a new and beautiful dress.

Darn that stupid shopaholic in me.

It started out looking for possible bridesmaid dresses. Even though I totally wasn't asked to, I figured -hey, dresses and window shopping, sign me up. Plus it's given me an excuse to check out new online shops.
Which brings me to the point of this post.

I've found soooo many gorgeous dresses that I would love to buy. One for the bridal shower. One for the rehearsal dinner. One for.... whatever.

And so far, I've found these beauties.....

 all above photos from Sosie

Which is your favorite???



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