Wednesday, October 3, 2012

business and shoe love

Ok so nothing is more amazing to me than seeing my name spelled correctly. Ever since I was a little girl I have had the hardest time trying to find things where my name is spelled correctly. And now, on an awesome shoe site, which was created by an amazing celebrity and designer, there is a gorgeous shoe and it holds my name.
Can we just take a moment to take this in?

And other than that, life has been insanely hectic. Hence my lack of blogging (which is one of my all-time favorite things). My life as late is full of learning schedules, planning, creating homework, organizing, filing, teaching, instilling rules, lack of sleep, awesome girl talks, sweet conversations with my boyfriend, supportive co-workers, and definitely not as much reading as I would like.

I am looking forward to.....
A pub crawl/ghost tour this weekend, bridesmaid dress shopping, and engagement party, Green Bay football, Auburn and FSU football, sleeping in, Halloween (seriously my favorite holiday...well, next to Christmas), looking at ways to decorate (especially using this site again!), finally shopping at the new H&M in town, Dog-toberfest (where I am working a booth!), and spending more quality time with all my friends and loved ones.

I need to:
make my October goals, finish decorating and organizing my classroom, make plans for next week's lessons, figure out 3rd grade, and drink more water. Whew.

Until next time......

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