Saturday, October 20, 2012

weekends of fun

Girls nights are the best. Girl friends are the best. And I am so eternally grateful for the girl friends I have made. They make life so much better!

 The past couple weekends have been crazy busy, but also so great.  
This weekend Steven and I watched scary movies and ate at a new sushi place. My mom and amazing friend Jen (and baby Keags) and I went to the Southern Women's Show and spent 5 hours trying samples, getting massages and our make up done, and a bit of shopping done as well. And now we're watching the FSU game (ahem...GO NOLES!!!)

 Last weekend I went to my first school carnival. Luckily my amazing friends and boyfriend joined too. One of my old students even bought me cotton candy. I had some seriously amazing kidos. I also worked Dogtober Fest the next day with my mom and her firm. Not only was it amazing fun, but I also fell in love with the sweetest dog. Sadly I couldn't bring her home with me, but Maggie totally stole my heart.
So did the dogs in costumes. It was seriously amazing.
 Back to the game....and grading.

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