Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving in Pensacola

image found on pinterest

This past weekend, Turkey day weekend, I got to go home. It's one of the many traditions I love about the holidays. It always consists of spending time with family friends, eating way too much food, and reminiscing.  Every year we go, I seem to always get the best sleep and I always feel like I'm on vacation. Our Pensacola family is truly amazing and I love every single one of them. And it's so sweet to see each year how our little group grows larger as the younger generation (my generation) finds themselves getting married and having kids. Meals therefore are no smaller than 13 and I love that. I also love getting to hear about my dad from the people that knew him so well (and for longer than I did). 
The only sad part about the weekend is that it's over and I have to wait 300+ days until we get to go back again.
So until then........


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