Friday, January 4, 2013

2013 goals

I made a list of 4(well, er.....actually 7 goals). I'm just hoping that I actually keep them this year. Last year I somehow managed to only keep one. I've done a lot better on my birthday goals surprisingly though. I think its because I always have so many to make for my birthday so I try to make them more fun, but the resolutions for each new year I make more broad and create fewer.

So my goals:
1. try the 365 project again.
    Last year I tried and only made it half way through. Although that is better than I thought I would 
2. document each day.
    I want to write down highlights each day in a journal. I think it'd be really awesome to see what I  
    was doing that exact day a year before (you know when I look back in 2014).
3. save money.
    I've had this as a goal several times, but there are a few differences this time. First of all the last
    time I made this goal was when I started actually saving. Now that I have a bit of savings, I want to
    keep saving, with a number goal in mind. With so many things I want for the somewhat near
    future, I need some money to do it, and how else will I get it unless I save?
4. Read at least 25 books.
    Last year my goal was 15 and I read over 30, so really 25 (especially with a free summer) shouldn't
     be too hard.
The extra goals: get fit for Erica's wedding. Complete all my birthday goals.

Can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2013! I'm getting back into blogging and am excited to start reading your blog again. Looks like you have all sorts of fulfilling goals for the new year. Mine is to "infuse happiness" into daily life!


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