Thursday, January 17, 2013

confession #2

For the longest time it seems that my mom and I have dreamed of owning our own shop. I think it would be amazing. We worked together for 6 years at the law office and I loved it. I just cant imagine having my own business, where I (and my mom) got to call the shots, hire, design, and pour our hearts into something that was all our own. Often I start daydreaming (and then pinning) what I wish our shop would look like or include. It would seriously be a dream come true. There are just so many things holding us back and I sometimes wonder if they will always be in the way. Maybe this is just a dream and will never occur (I mean, how would we even get the money to start such a place!?!?) But for now, it's nice just dreaming about. A great what-if. 
So what would my dream place include???
See for yourself!!!
Such cute little sparkly accents!!! I think it's perfect. 

 Love this idea of displaying items!!

I love this display of shoes. I'm pretty sure it'd be perfect for a shop.

I love, love, love this idea to display items. Plus it's super easy and cheap!
I really love the layout of this space. And the wood floors. 

I love this sparkly decor. Found at this site.

Just some snipets, because trust me I have a TON more ideas.


  1. Nothing says "home sweet home" like a dash of sparkle!

  2. oh wow some great inspirations there x


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