Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Another roundup of some awesome links I've come across!
Hope you enjoy.

Interesting facts...on billboards.

Stuff no one told me. Some are hilarious and some are just morbid (which is probably why I like them).

One of my favorite bloggers went to Salvation Mountain. Her pictures make me want to travel there even more!!!

Maybe the most amazing igloo EVER!! For real.

An amazing twist to a classic dish. Can't wait to try this!

46 awesome diy ideas for string lights!! i feel so inspired!

Rainbow cheesecake?!?! I might have to make this (or attempt to that is).

Interesting video (and somewhat disturbing). Sandy Hook a hoax??

I kind of want one of these dreamy bedrooms!

Amazing repurposed items. Some of these I don't know how they ever thought of!

These might be some of the coolest gift ideas of all time!

Homemade samoas?? Cannot wait to try.

Amazing photos. 

My birthday falls on national hoagie day. What does yours fall on?

A cute online clothing shop I just stumbled upon (and am in love with!!)

Did you see Barbie and Ken's wedding photo shoot? No? Look no further.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome list! Love the rainbow cheesecake! so want to try that!


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