Wednesday, January 2, 2013

lookback at 2012

It's almost hard to believe that 2012 is over. So much happened this past year.
I went skiiing.
I had several friends get engaged.
My best friend had a baby.
Outdid myself on my goal to read at least 15 books (I read 34).
Failed in some other goals (like get into shape and help the less fortunate...which I feel terrible even admitting).
Had 3 jobs.
Finally became a teacher.
Had multiple roommates (3 actually).
Created a cd swap on the blog.
Celebrated Valentines day with my awesome boyfriend (who surprised me with some treats!)
Took lots of maternity photographs
And lots of baby photographs.
And some family photographs.
Co-hosted a friend's baby shower.
Co-hosted a friend's engagement party.
Cut my hair (again).
Dyed my hair several times (and finally decided to go back to blonde).
Made new friends.
Tried to do the 365 project (and failed only after a few months).
Tried to make a mini book documenting my entire year (and got half way through).
Went bowling with furries (on accident).
Celebrated Easter with Steven and his family.
Celebrated my 25th birthday.
 Made 25 goals for my 25th year (that I'm really excited about completing!!)
Took my first trip to Chicago and Wisconsin (to visit Steven's family).
Went home to Pensacola for Thanksgiving.
Experienced my first NASCAR.
Celebrated year 2 with Steven!
Got strep throat.
Fell in love with Vampire Diaries.
Had some amazing girls nights with amazing girl friends.
Went to the hospital with Steven several times.
Visited my bestie in DC.
Got a kitchen aid mixer!!!!! (Thanks mom!!)
And got a puppy!!!!

All in all I think it's been a pretty crazy year.
Bring it on 2013, can't wait to see what you have in store for me!

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