Wednesday, January 30, 2013

new blog feature for february

If I'm completely honest, I'd have to admit that I use to hate Valentine's Day. I always referred to it as the "hallmark holiday", which I suppose in some ways I still agree with. However, due to my awesome friend Erica I started to feel a little different. (Don't worry this isn't a love story).

One year my new (then) friend Erica asked me to come to her Valentine's Day party. At the time I was dating a boy, but we didn't celebrate the holiday, so I told her yes. Her enthusiasm for the holiday really caught (the drinks and food didn't hurt either). I started rethinking the whole hating Valentine's Day thing.

Then I started working in a school. And several years later I can say that I love this holiday. I love it because I get to show my kids even more love than usual. I try to take any holiday possible to shower them with candy and love, but Valentine's Day is just such a happy loving time when you're that age. You don't worry about having a guy or girl to celebrate with, you don't have the pressure to buy anyone anything. You just trade cards and get candy from everyone around you (which now includes me).

Why the over share on my now "love" of Valentine's Day?? Well, because this year I'm going to share my love on my blog as well. From February 1st until Valentine's Day I plan on sharing tons of Valentine's Day inspired posts, including "love" posts from my friends. I'm really excited and I hope that you are too. And if you feel inspired to join, I'd love it if you'd send your story my way so I can post it too. Just email me at!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. I am sooooo excited to see what everyone has to say, and I love that you're having this feature on your blog. I'm not one who cares much for Valentine's Day, but I am looking forward to all the Valentine's-inspired posts!



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