Tuesday, January 1, 2013

our newest addition

 For the past several months Steven and I have been puppy searching. I feel like I've looked everywhere and without luck. They were either already spoken for, too expensive, or not the kind of dog we wanted. I was starting to get pretty defeated. Then on a whim my parents and I stopped at a puppy store by their house. That's where I met this little one. I honestly didn't think we'd end up getting her, it just seemed too easy. But we did. And we love her! She's so much fun and so sweet. Suffice to say we rang in the new year with a larger family!

So everyone, meet Chloe!!!

Happy New Year!!


  1. Awww she's soooo cute!! <3 Enjoy your time with your puppy, they grow up so fast! Happy New Year!

  2. Oh she's gorgeous. Look forward to seeing lots of Chloe


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