Monday, February 4, 2013

love story//jennifer, joe, and keagan

Today's love story is from my friend, Jennifer. You'll probably recognize her and her family from their pictures since I take photographs of them all the time.  But her baby boy is too cute not too. And she is gorgeous herself. Hope you enjoy her story......

"Love is finding the good in imperfection, dancing together even when the music stops, and being patient and understanding through good times and bad. Lastly, love is finding joy in the simple pleasure of being in ones company no matter where or what you may be doing."
I met my husband, Joe through his sister Amanda in Haven, Kansas about 11 years ago or so. When I first met him, I was incredibly attracted to him. I remember leaning over to his sister and saying, "I'm sorry, but your brother has the nicest eyes and smile I have ever seen."
From that moment on, we keep in touch long distance and started traveling cross country to see each other (well, mostly I did the traveling lol).

Then, summer of 2005 I decided to make a huge move to the great state of Florida so I could be closer to Joe. I knew that we were going to have a long future together, and sure enough that came true!
We have now been married for a little over two years, and had our first child, Keagan Anthony on June 11th 2012. Needless to say, my life is complete and I couldn't be more blessed with the family God has given me! I count my blessings through the ups and downs, and know God has many wonderful things in store for our family! We hope to grow by one more in the near future, but for now we are just living life one day at a time and trying to keep the romance alive! You marry your best friend right?! Well, that's what I did, and even though it may not be perfect all the time, we are perfect for each other!

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