Thursday, February 14, 2013

love story//kellie and steven

 Here is mine and Steven's story. I figured it was perfect timing for Valentine's Day, eh?
Steven and I met three years ago this June.
At a bar.
But it's not like that.
I promise.
One night my good friend Brittany wanted to go to this bar to see her crush and his band. I didn't want to go. At all. But I knew how much she did, so her sister and I reluctantly went along.
Once we were there we found a place at the bar and we girls just hung out and talked, waiting for the band to go on. Then this guy came over and started talking to us (Steven's friend, (now our friend) Eric). Soon after, his friend came over (Steven), apologizing for his friend botherng us. Both guys stayed around and we all started talking. I'm pretty sure Steven and I talked about movies all night. He kept saying he'd seen almost every movie. I kept trying to point out one he hadn't. (I won with Princess Bride).
While I was also currently dating someone (which had been on and off again more times than I could count), there was just something about Steven. He seemed so interested in what I said and then when we girls left, he walked us to the car because it was late. He didn't make a move, he just hugged us all goodbye. I remember thinking then that even if I never saw this guy again, he had at least restored my faith in guys. He was a gentleman. I was afraid they were all gone.
I soon broke up for good with the boy that I had such a rocky relationship with.
And I did see Steven again, once I was single.
 Our first date was at a deli that is no longer open. And it lasted for over 12 hours. We saw A-team at the theatre, Red Sox game, ordered pizza, and had some of the best conversation. I remember not wanting it to be over.
It's now been about 2 and a half years since our first date, and we've spent almost every day together since.
 He is my best friend. 
My better half. 
The man who makes me laugh and smile more than I can count. 
He's opened my eyes to so many things I would have never of known about. 
He makes me feel loved and special.
He is one of the best men I've ever known and he for some reason has decided to be with me of all girls. 
 I am so incredibly lucky and blessed to have him in my life. And even though we've had our fair share of ups and downs, we've survived them. Our love has grown and become what it is today. 
I am a better person because of Steven and in a way, I think that's one of the best definitions of love. 

Happy Valentines Day/


  1. Such a sweet story! You look so good together!
    Happy Valentine's Day! :-)

  2. I love your love story! So fun to see it all unfold over the past few years! :)
    Happy Valentines Day!


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