Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Thinking about: Soooo many things. Work mostly. FCAT is coming up and I'm stressing out about what I have left to do with the kids and how far some of them still need to go. I'm also thinking about what I need to make for dinner (but instead I'm online, ha). And ideas for a quick and easy dinner?????

Reading: Gone With the Wind. My friend asked me to join her bookclub and currently that's what they're reading. As much as I love the movie, I've never read the book, so I'm pretty excited.

Listening to: I was listening to my bestie's voice on the phone. I haven't talked to her in forever, so it was sooo nice to catch up. I miss her tons.

Looking forward to: First off, Spring Break!!! In a week and a half I'll have an entire week off to sleep in, read, and go to the pool. I cannot wait. I'm also looking forward to FCAT being over!!!! (And hopefully getting good scores for the kids). Plus I'm trying to make some summer trips (without breaking the bank) and one of them includes visiting Leigh!!!!

Watching: Different World. I use to watch this show all the time, so when I saw it was on I had to watch.

Making me happy: Chloe- even though she bites like crazy and has more energy than I've ever seen. Steven- a wonderful boyfriend who I'm so lucky to have. My girlfriends- who inspire me and love me and who I have so much fun with. And of course my family, especially my mom- who love me more than I deserve. I'm one lucky girl.


Post idea from danielle's blog.

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