Thursday, March 28, 2013

link love

These have become some of my favorite posts, as silly as that may sound. But I love finding such great things online and sharing them (and storing them where I can go back again and again) has been fun.
Anyway, this time's roundup of awesome links you have to visit:

First of all, one of the sweetest most beautiful ladies I know got married this past weekend to her best friend and the man of her dreams. Her photographer posted pictures and they are absolutely stunning. You can check them out here for yourself!! (Above picture of Steven and I from the wedding!)

10 creative things to do with cans.

50 creative things to do with old dishes.

Amazing craft ideas. My favorite is definitely the bookcase for shoes!!

21 pictures that will restore your faith in humanity. Very touching.

Dog shame pictures. Totally adorable and I really need to add Chloe in!!

I'm totally sad that The Walking Dead is about to end for the season, BUT I'm extremely happy that Mad Men is coming back soon!!!

I love, love, love NYC. So suffice to say I'm in love with these vintage NYC photos.

The ultimate cooking guide. Measuring equivalents, grilling temperatures, and a million more amazing tips.

An amazing blog feature. A-Z of me. I'm definitely going to try this!

Life lessons from a 90 year old. A lot of them are things we hear all the time, but it's still a great list!

An amazing list of Starbucks drinks that aren't on the menu. If this is a true list, I'm seriously in heaven right now!!


  1. Since I just got back into blogging again, I should really try out that A to Z idea. :)

  2. Definitley just started this!
    Love this feature,


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