Monday, April 15, 2013

book it

The past couple of months I've been absolutely obsessed with reading. In fact, I spent just about all of my spring break trying to finish Gone With the Wind because it was just that amazing. (And I succeeded). 

I honestly loved Gone With the Wind. I wasn't sure I would. I'd seen the movie a million times over, but I was never a huge fan (I think I was too young to appreciate it). But when my friend Kelly told me that's what her book club (that I just joined) was reading- I hopped on the train. I am so glad I did. I feel like I learned so much about southern heritage and how much it changed due to the war and Reconstruction. Women use to be so dainty and less independent, which is good and bad in my opinion. There is also southern hospitality and the slow paced way of life. Of course besides teaching me, it also angered me. Scarlett is a bitch (no surprise there) and the Civil War was based on such a horrible issue -slavery.
It's a long book, but I really recommend it, it's such a good story and it's not your typical type of story either. Plus, it's a classic and something everyone (especially southerners) should read at least once.

 Gray Matter was written by a doctor that I first heard of from my mom. He's from California, but flew into Jacksonville just to talk at our friend's church. Listening to him speak about his story was amazing. I feel like I learned so much from him and his walk with God. And Dr. Levy is such an amazing man- completely humble (which wasn't always the case) and has such a love for Christ. When meeting him, he even took the time to pray for Steven with me (since he's a neurosurgeon and Steven has been having what we think is neurological issues). His book is about introducing praying with patients and coworkers into his practice and it's very encouraging. If you have the time, I really suggest reading it!

The Night Circus sounded extremely weird- not going to lie. But my sister told me it was really good and she let me borrow it. Once I started, I was completely hooked. It's so different from anything I've ever read and is so impressively creative. There's mystery, romance, intrigue, and so many other aspects that make it original and captivating. There's really no other way to describe this book without giving it all away- so just take my word for it and try it!

Currently I'm reading Northanger Abby by Jane Austen. Can't wait- it's the only one of hers that I have yet to read. 

What have you been reading lately???



  1. nice!

    p.s. I'm having a Bonlook sunglasses/glasses giveaway if you'd like to check it out! xx

  2. This is a great post thanks for sharing it


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