Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A-Z // f is for....

F is for.....Florida (in case you hadn't already guessed).
I've lived in Florida all my life. 
And I wouldn't have it any other least for now.
 There is just so much it has to offer.

Disney World
Universal Studios
Sea World
Wet and Wild
amazing beaches
Key West
the oldest city in the US (Pensacola)
and the oldest maintained city in the US (St. Augustine)
sunshine and warmth
Ft. Lauderdale (which use to be Spring Break capital)
Daytona Beach (home of NASCAR and the current Spring Break place)

I've always lived in Florida. I feel kinda lucky in that way. 

Currently, I live in Jacksonville, known as the First Coast. 
It's the nation's largest city (area wise). 
It has tons of parks. 
It's in the heart of the Bible Belt.
Since we're a "bold city" we have a lot of different areas of town and I love that. There's the beach, artsy, downtown, country, college  ghetto, posh, old new, shopping district....
We have 7 bridges in our city. The Main Street and Dames Point are my favorites. 
The bridges are now lit up at night (and have been since we hosted to Super Bowl).
We have a football team: Jaguars.
And a AAA baseball team: The Suns.
It's also where my sister and her family lives.
Where my mom and stepdad now live.
Where I went to college.
And graduated college.
Where I fell in love.
Where I met the most amazing new friends in my life.
Where I became roommates with my bff and sister from another mister.
Where I bought my first home.
Where I got my first teaching job. 
Where I started my small little family (of Steven and Chloe).
Where I got my third puppy, Chloe.
Where I discovered my love of photography.

Then there is South Florida. More specifically Coral Springs and Ft. Lauderdale, which is where I grew up.
It is very multi-cultural, which is part of why I love it so much.
The beaches are awesome.
It also is home to Las Olas Boulevard.
It's a completely different atmosphere and way of life than in Jacksonville. There is no southern charm and manners to it, instead it's charm is more about the beach and upscale ways of living.
Growing up in South Florida was incredibly special. I feel like it gave me a life and insight that I would have otherwise never have had. 
It's where I made my first church family.
Where I met my first love and high school sweet heart.
Where I met an incredible group of friends.
Where my faith in God really grew. 
It's where I began to question church,
but then came around and starting loving it again.
It's where I met my biffle and sister from another mister. 
Home to the best house ever.
The last place my parents were together.
The last place I saw my dad.
Where I learned to drive.
Where I got my first puppy, Coco.
Where I went to school.
Where I grew up.
I will always have fond memories of this place, even if I never move back there (or want to) it's home and I love it.

And finally there's Pensacola. Where I was born and spent the earliest part of my life. 

 Where I was born. 
Where I still have family that's so close, I call them family. 
Where I visit every Thanksgiving.
Where I call home.
Home of the prettiest beach.
Home of the sandshaker- most amazing drink!!!!!
The first city of the USA (St. Augustine is the first maintained city- Pensacola was the first but then was basically blown away by a hurricane. How's that for a history lesson???)
Where I got my second puppy, Aubre.

Yup, Florida is amazing. And I love it here. 

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