Thursday, May 30, 2013

saying goodbye

Saying goodbye is never easy. There's no simple or nice way of doing it. There is something we always wish had gone differently- something more we had said, something we wish we could take back. It's just never.....enough.

For the last 12 years I've been trying to cope with the death of my father. This week, my best friend lost hers. And it sucks watching her go through this pain. This isn't a club anyone wants to join. It's not a fun club and it definitely isn't one without a fair share of tears.

So obviously, for the past several days I've been thinking about death, about saying goodbye to someone you love deeply. And its difficult to explain and put into words how this feels. Because it feels so much worse than awful. It is so much bigger than terrible.  I remember the pain of missing my dad being so unbearable that I couldn't even breathe.

So why am I posting this?

Honestly, I'm not entirely sure.

But there are just all these feelings and emotions that came out this week. And where better to share personal feelings than the very public internet right?

Too soon for sarcasm?

But perhaps the silver lining in this dark, sad place is that these wonderful people we have loved with all our hearts are now in a better place. A place with no pain, no tears, and only love.

I do have a favor to ask of all of you reading this though.... If you could please pray (or if you're not a believer, just your positive energy and love) for my wonderful and beautiful friend. Especially today- as we celebrate her dad's life in a Memorial Service tonight. 

With a sad, but grateful heart,

1 comment:

  1. I lost my dad 8 years ago, and even though we weren't that close the pain is still with me each and every single day. I'll be thinking of you, and your sweet friend.


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