Tuesday, June 4, 2013

30 days of June

So one of my favorite bloggers wrote a post recently that really inspired me. Of course, it's not exactly the same as hers, because while she is planning on doing one thing each day, I can't commit to that. So what I will say is that my list of 30 things to do in June may happen sporadically, but I am a-okay with that.

So here are the 30 things I want to do in June:
1. clean my classroom
2. have a girls weekend vacation
3. finish Chloe's training (and feel like it was money well spent)
4. celebrate some friends birthdays (i think there's 4 in all)
5. do something special to celebrate mine and Steven's anniversary
6. so something a little special to say goodbye to my kidos
7. organize my classroom
8.  finish at least 1 book
9. sleep in some
10. stay up late
11. help plan a birthday party
12. write a kickass maid of honor speech
13. be a better friend
14. be a better daughter
15. take Chloe to the dog park (at least once)
16. clean up our home more
17. go to the pool and get some sun!
18. find my zip drive (ekkk)
19. get a message
20. wash my car
21.keep up with my 5 year Q&A book
22. start getting in shape
23. try a new food
24. go a day without soda
25. start a new book
26. take pictures
27. relax
28. enjoy the beginning of my summer
29. help my friend out with her wedding
30. get a pedicure

What would your list look like?

1 comment:

Your comments brighten my day. And I promise, while I may not respond to every one of them, I read every single on of them.
Thanks for stopping by. :)