Friday, July 5, 2013

home of the free because of the brave

This past week, my sweet friend Sarah asked if I would take pictures of  a military home-coming.  I honestly was really excited to try something new - and I figured this would be a great experience. And it of course came with tons of emotions.
 Being a part of this occasion was amazing, to say the least. 
I watched and took photos as close to 300 families were reunited after 315 long days apart. Words can't even express how blessed I feel to have been a part of something so magnificent and heart warming.
 And I might have let a couple tears slip... but how could I not? I can't even imagine what those families went through in being separated for almost an entire year. I have so much more respect for them than I could possibly fathom.
 When I looked out into the enormous crowds of people waiting for their sailors, the love and excitement was overwhelming. And I am so happy for the families that were reunited this past week. I can't wait to see more this summer!!!!
 And to all of our troops, who continuously put their lives on the line for us each day, I thank you. While I was grateful before this week, seeing the sacrifice that you make, makes me even more proud of you. Thank you for your willingness and braveness and for making our country the home of the free.
with special gratitude,

1 comment:

  1. Aww I bet that was awesome! :) Makes me tear up just thinking about it.


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