Saturday, July 27, 2013

life currently (in iphone photos)

Life lately has been lovely and flying by. We've had friends visiting (and their pups...see below), I've been visiting friends, bowling (I joined a league!!!), shopping, pool days, spa day with some lovely ladies and just trying to enjoy the rest of my summer (1 more week!!! ekkkkk).
 I'm really happy I joined a bowling league. I've wanted to for some time and last Tuesday was my first game. It was the day before my dad's (would be) birthday and it felt like a great way to honor him. He was an avid bowler. He even had his own ball, ball bag and shoes!
Apparently we all have nicknames too. I'm "K-new" and I guess also "lemon poppy seed". Don't ask me to explain the last one....I still don't get it....

 For the past several days I got to visit my good friend, Ashley and her hubby. We met in college on a study abroad trip and I am so happy we still are so close. I'm just so glad she's only a few hours away and not any further!

 And then there was the most amazing spa day ever.  We had massages, saunaed it up, went in the hot tub and the pool, had lunch by the pool and drank our fill of citrus water. 
Since this is not something I am able to do very often (or like ever) I am really appreciative that I got to enjoy this. And for the good company!

Well ladies and gents, now it's time for me to sign off and spend some quality time with my handsome boyfriend. 

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