Monday, August 19, 2013

a pirate's life for me

 So today was the first day back to school. I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would (but plenty enough, trust me). Thanks to my friend Kelly (seen below) I got an idea together on how to dress the part of a pirate, which is our schools theme. I had so much fun with it and the best part was that everyone in the school seemed to have. The adults and kids alike were all excited for this new change and theme. I think its going to be the beginning of something great!!
(PS my hair looked amazing before I had to put it up from being in the 90 degree heat. I also have on awesome boots to complete the ensemble, just thought you should know.)

And speaking of my awesome friend Kelly..... this past weekend we took a lovely (and quick) trip to Miami. We hung out with friends and her family and most wonderfully of all.... we went to the Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z concert. I think I may be even more smitten with JT now. He's just such an incredible performer. 
So yea, the picture below is our excited to see JT faces.
 Then to cap off the end of a good first day, I had dinner with my sweet and beautiful girlfriends and then came home to awesome mail (which included these two books)!!! So excited to put them to good use and craft. It probably won't be until Winter Break though.... this school year is already crazy busy.
Well.... sleep time. If you're a teacher, parent, or student- I hope you had a wonderful first week back!!

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