Wednesday, August 7, 2013

back to the grind

Well, as of this past Monday summer is over for me. This week consists of teacher training, next week is pre-planning (and I get to set my room back up!!!) and then the following week the kidos come back to school.
It's funny, the other day I took Chloe to the dog park and it was completely empty- I guess everyone is back to work. It's kind of sad....while I am looking forward to a new school year, I love summer and I hate to see it go. But alas, the last of my pool days and sleeping in during the week as ended. However, now I have some other things to look forward to....bouquets of freshly sharpen pencils (please tell me you know what movie I'm referring to), cooler autumn weather, scarves and jackets, football and pumpkin spice lattes. Fall is my favorite season and I'm really looking forward to it!

So, good-bye summer. Thanks for the wonderful memories and awesome suntan!!

P.S. Can you tell what my school theme is this year?? (the photo is a clue....)

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