Saturday, August 3, 2013

links, links!! and happy shark week!

 shark week chloe

I am a pretty big fan of shark week (which starts tomorrow!!!!!!), so I was really happy when Kaelah wrote a post about throwing a shark week party! She even shared this amazing Shark Week drinking game. Talk about amazing!

I was also pretty excited about this sister team's new book and the pre-order special they are having!

21 diagrams that will help you in everyday life. Pretty awesome- even Steven loved this!

DIY glitter mason jars and vases. Because anything glittery is just awesome!

And speaking of glitter awesomeness...check out this DIY too.

This recipe sounds so good...blueberry sweet rolls with lemon glaze. Yum!!

I absolutely love this repurposed bench. We don't have room for it, but I still want it!

I love this blogger, but these Utah photos she shared made me love her blog even more.

My dream home would have a gorgeous bathroom like this one!

With football season around the corner (WOO HOO!!) this cute little snack is going to come in handy!

A couple of my friends have been telling me that the new Netflix show, Orange is the New Black is a great show. This article makes me want to start watching it even more!

Apple pumpkin cake? YES please!


  1. We got a bunch of blueberries this week so I want to go check out that recipe!

    Amanda Rose

  2. It seems like Shark Week is everywhere I look these days! I just read that Shark Week drinking game and I love it! Also, those chocolate dipped football pretzels are such a genius idea!

    xo, Michelle


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