Monday, September 2, 2013

hello September

September by Kellie on Grooveshark

A perfect song, right?

It's almost favorite time of the year.
I'm not sure when it became my favorite, but it has won over my heart. I know that Fall is pretty much everyone and their mother's favorite time of year (especially with bloggers) but I'm okay with being on the bandwagon for this one.
It's the beginning of so many things.
School begins (which can be a good thing and a stressful one, but it's a fresh beginning) and it makes me think of bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils (You've Got Mail).
Football season is here!!!!! College football was this weekend (and I'm trying so hard to stay up to watch as much of the FSU game tonight as I can) and for the first time ever I got to have my own fantasy football team!
 Plus, I'm over this warm Florida weather- I can't wait for sweater wearing weather!
 Halloween is around the corner (and it's one of my favorite holidays and full of so many traditions).
And then there's Thanksgiving- the one holiday completely about food and family (and the one time of year I get to go home to Pensacola).
I'm excited for this new season to begin. I'm ready for Fall smells and decorating, Halloween chilli night and wearing my football colors!!
 I'm also pumped for Chloe to wear her cheesehead for Green Bay games!!!!!!


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