Thursday, January 2, 2014

goodbye, hello

2013- It's hard to put into words how I felt about this year. It had it ups and downs, like any year. It brought great things, like a puppy and sad things, like my aunt passing away.  It was full of life changing events and learning experiences and questions.
But 2014, I'm going to try to make you my best year yet. I'm going to focus more on being happy and positive- on being proactive and focused.

Before I say hello to 2014 though, I want to say goodbye to 2013.....
 January- we welcomed a new puppy, Chloe. Man I miss her being that small
 February- I spent decorating my first (well second actually) classroom. It's become one of my favorite parts of holidays- decorating the class for the kids. I also got a new car!
 March- my first putt-putt experience (better late than never?)
April- I won instagram magnets from one of my favorite blogs!

 May- I celebrated my 26th birthday with lots of good friends, threw a bridal shower for one of my closest friends, and helped my bestie say goodbye to her dad.
 June- Was my good friend, Erica's wedding and before that bachelorette party. It was also my besties' birthdays, and Chloe graduated puppy training school (which was an ify).
 July- I joined a bowling league and started making some amazing friends and went on our annual NASCAR/Coca-Cola 500 trip.
 August- I started back at school (pirate theme!!!!), and helped throw a bachelorette party for our good friend, Chelsea. My friend Kelly and I also traveled down to Miami for the Justin Timberlake/Jay-Z concert (best ever!!!!)

 September- My family and I said goodbye to one of my aunts, I took tons more photos for friends, saw Jase Robertson from Duck Dynasty speak, and celebrated another friend getting married and two friends getting pregnant!
 October- I said goodbye to a best friend and boyfriend. I tried making new Halloween traditions, spent more time with friends, and started enjoying single life.
 November- I went to the fair with friends, worked really hard, spent Thanksgiving with family and friends, and also the Emergency Care Clinic (bleh). I learned the true meaning and look of forgiveness and love. Oh and Auburn won against Alabama!!!
December- Enjoyed time with friends, family, the new roomie and the new guy. I crafted and baked a lot and made ridiculous but awesome Christmas cards from me and Chloe. I added to my tattoo collection and started redoing my bedroom.

Thanks for all the memories 2013. 
xoxoxox, kel

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