Thursday, November 12, 2009

life's a beach

Soooooo much going on.
Being out of work and school last week due to being sick is causing this week to be crazy hectic. It's good to be busy at work (keeps me out of trouble, ha) but when everything is urgent and due "right now", it's not so awesome. Oh well, we take the bad with the good.

There is only a month left of my very last semester of classes. Suffice to say, I'm nervous. I'm also still trying to find a roommate. :( I'll be sad to see my best friend and roomie go, but I know she's got a lot ahead of her- a fun and exciting adventure awaiting.

There are so many good things going on right now too. For starters, I get to see this face again (in only 2 days!!!). It's been too long.

We're meeting up to see Donald Miller speak. He's an amazing author and I can't wait to hear him in person. And I'm crossing my fingers that I get to meet him too!!! I just got another book by him and started reading and Leigh and Jess got his newest book and just finished (can't wait to read it!!). It's going to be a fun Saturday!!!

Mostly, Saturday will be awesome, because I'm going to be with these people (minus Rob Bell, sad I know). ha!
Leigh and Jeff (or as I call them, the other 2 musketeers) are going to be graduating and moving away soon, so any time spent with them makes me uber happy! :) They have become some of the best and most fun people I know. I have truly enjoyed having them be such big parts in my life.

Jeff and I have also been watching Weeds. (thank you netflix). It's such a good show and it's nice to have bonding time with such a great guy friend. :)
I'm truly obsessed with this show though. Can't wait for the next season!!

Friday Leigh and I are also having a girls night in party!! I can't wait. Pina coladas, junk food, pjs, and chick flicks here we come!!!!

Oh and I also have a ton of phots from my photoshoot with Erin to upload and edit. (Hopefully tonight, but if I say that, it won't happen, so let's just say sooooon).
Have a great Thursday! I'm off with a girl friend of mine for girl's night at Mellow Mushroom ($1 wine please?!?)


  1. Season 4 needs to come ASAP.

    Also, I'm pretty sure my time in Jax would've totally sucked if I hadn't met you and Leigh. I love you guys.

  2. hahaha! we look so diff since that pic :) I can't wai tto see you pretties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is going to be the BEST and we are going to track him down! pictures will ensue and lots oh fun times!

    ps mell mush has dolla wine? JEALOUS!
    xo times a bazillion <3


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