Saturday, November 14, 2009

pictures!!!!! (finally)

I finally uploaded my pictures from mine and Erin's photoshoot (plus a few more)!!! :) I still have some more to upload, but at least the majority is done.
They're also on my flickr page and facebook page as well. (facebook link to the right).

too cute right????

this didn't come out as great as i hoped, but the dad carrying one of his little girls was sooo adorbale i couldn't pass it up

me & joe. he's one of the greatest guys i've ever met and one of the best friends i've ever had. -photoshoot with him next weekend, so look for the pictures!! (:

joe took this picture of me. i hate that he has my camera for one minute and shoots a better picture than me (and i've had it since i was 16!!) lol

have a great weekend all!!!! i'm gonna have a bunch to post about after this crazy/busy/wonderful weekend, so stay tuned!!!!!

love, love, loveeeee,

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