Thursday, January 14, 2010

the cutest kids

My sister's kids are soooo stinkin' cute. Last night while I was hanging out with them I asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up. Their responses kinda give you and idea about their personalities. And each one is sooo cute!

Emory, the only boy and the oldest.
He said he wants to design video games, such a boy. :)

Faith wants to run an orphanage. Girl after my own heart!!!

Gia, the baby of the clan (ha!) wants to be a mermaid. Too adorable!!!

I honestly love my time with these kids. They make my heart happy. :)
Comments like these remind me of how much I do adore kids. I really picked the right professions (youth pastor AND elementary teacher!)

Do you have any funny or sweet kid stories?? I know a lot of yall are parents, so I would LOVE to hear any stories you have to share!!!


  1. awww they are adorable. My daughter (14 montsh old) opened her Cabbage Patch newborn surprise the other morning, and it was a girl, she was so happy hugging and kissing her and then feeding her a bottle. I cherish those little moments :) Going to post pics on tomorrows blog :D

  2. 4 or so years ago, I went home to visit my family before going to boot camp. My baby sister was about 4 and I taught her to write her name. She wanted to learn mine as well. One day in boot camp I got a letter with severl photos...she had written (in ink) my name all over her body...feet, belly, arms, etc...when she got caught, she said, "but i miss my rena, mommy!"

  3. ohmygosh, these stories are way too cute!!!!
    thanks for sharing them!!!

  4. Aww, this is SO cute! I especially love the mermaid comment :D

    Not AMAZINGLY funny, but when I was 3, my mom was pregnant. And I wanted SO badly to have a baby sister that I told EVERYONE that "I was gonna have a baby sister" and so that's what all my teachers thought and everything...

    It turned out to be a brother. :D


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