Wednesday, January 13, 2010

guilty pleasure Wednesday (v.1)

The first installment of "guilty pleasure Wednesday"!! I think this is the post I've been most looking forward to starting. :) I'm not entirely sure why, since these posts are mainly going to consist of sharing embarassing things about myself.... however maybe it's that I feel like I'm being more myself in being able to let all my blogger friends know what a HUGE dork I can be. ha! So feel free to share yours, agree with mine, or disagree. But **WARNING** while I totally am cool with teasing, anything that is negative will be deleted. I try very hard to keep my blog a positive place and while I love interacting with those of yall that read my blog, I don't want negativity to find a home here.

With that long and winded explaination... here is the first guilty pleasure I'm admitting to:

watching The Bachelor on Monday nights!!

My old roommie/bestie and I use to watch it together everyone Monday night. For awhile we had stopped watching it, but for some reason this past Monday, I just had to watch it! The boy and a good friend ended up watching it with me (I think mostly because I allowed them to poke fun at it). Let's be honest, that's the best way to watch it! Who doesn't like watching and making fun of girls who become so obssesed over a guy they only just met an hour prior? The fact that the bachelor is hottttt doesn't hurt either (and secretly I think the boys watch it to drool slightly over the pretty girls.) ;)

Well, there you have it. My first guilty pleasure blogged about for all to see.

Any others out there that secretly (or not so secretly) sneak in this show too??

<3 kellzzzzzzz


  1. Mine, reading in bed on Saturday mornings... :) No where to go, nothing I HAVE to do.

  2. ok my guilty pleasure...VH1 reaity shows.. Like Tough Love *blushes* shhh don't tell anyone..haha oh and I'm bad about E! shows too, like Keeping up with the Kardashians and Kendra... yea pretty bad...

  3. I have quiet a few but tv wise it's most likely 90210...

  4. I'm so utterly embarrassed that I'm admitting this.......I'm absolutely glued to Felicity re-runs when I can find them...

  5. Haha, I totes watch it too! :D I'm liking Jake and Ali right now...

  6. suzanna- i can totally relate! i love that as well :)

    lindsay- i havent seen either of those, but my roomie is going to make me start watching Jersey shore, haha!!! and i totally am too in love with E! shows. true hollywood story on Hugh Hefner, yes please. haha (altho NO idea why i care about him.....)

    Caketin- i have to say, i was IN LOVE with the old 90210, i really want to watch the new one, but im afraid of getting hooked ; / haha

    Sara- oh my gosh!! me too!!! haha. I actually didn't even start watching felicity until it was on in re-runs, but i sooo love that show!

    Allison- haha! that's awesome, I love Ali and Jake too. My boyfriend doesn't like her much though, he likes the mean girl that almost packed up to go home this week (im bad with names, ha!)

    thanks yall for sharing, I LOVE hearing what you had to say, please keep sharing with me!!! :)
    <3 kel

  7. I love VH1 "reality" shows, too. Tough love is my fave, but I also watched My Antonio, Megan wants a Millionaire, Rock of Love, etc.


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