Friday, February 26, 2010

pretty spaces

I really, really want to decorate my patio. I have for awhile, but I either don't have the time, money, energy or all of the above. I'm sick of making excuses though. I want a pretty patio where I can sit when it gets warmer and read or craft or just sip coffee and relax.

These pictures from are my inspirations to do something beautiful (hope they inspire you as well). :)

Happy Friday loves!!!
And don't forget to sign up for my blog giveaway---deadline to enter is Monday @ 6PM :)


  1. *gasp*
    They are so beautiful. They make me yearn for the summer months here in Chicago...

  2. oh my!! These look like to most serene, gorgeous patios! Amazing!

  3. mmm, just in time for sunshine!

  4. I can't wait until it is warm enough to sit outside! These patios are beautiful!

  5. love those places- i really want my wedding to have a set up that is light and patio like. airy and pretty!!! thanks for the inspo. xoxo


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