Monday, March 1, 2010

5 loves on monday (v.8) and the give-away WINNER!!!!

Hiiii. I can't believe it's Monday again AND it's March!!!! I'm excited though because that just means Spring is that much closer! Can't wait. :)

The new list of my loves this week!!! Enjoy.

1. coke!

i love this drink. i've given it up for lent before....but this year i couldn't bring myself to

2. this picture

it's from one of my favorite yeah yeah yeahs song!! found on

3. Dexter. I looove this show!

I know that I've mentioned this show before, but I love it! I just finished season 2 and I cannot wait to start the next one!!!!

4. traveling and these pictures of traveling.

all of these of course found on

5. forts!!!!!!!!

i want to build one soon sooo badly i think my nephew, nieces, sister and i might be making one soon! or so i hope.

Also, the blogger winner!!!!

.......ready for it?

Congrats to:
Sarah D. at
Contently Consistently Chaotic!!!!

please e-mail me at with your full name and address and I'll send your gifts to you as soon as I can!!!!!! :)

Thanks everyone for entering. It means a lot to me that so many people entered and read my blog!!! I will def. have more in the upcoming future. So stay tuned!

much love to all of youuuuu!


  1. I love watching Dexter as well! The last season finale just BLEW my mind. Keep watching!

  2. Giving up Coka-Cola is one of the hardest things I've ever done!

    Just about to start Season 2 of Dexter - Glad to hear it stays amazing.

  3. Congrats to Sara!!! I love love Dexter too!! It's on of my fav shows!

  4. I love everything on your list but the Coke! I haven't had any pop to drink in over 10 years! (it was one of the best things I ever did for myself though!)

    Congratulations to the winner!

  5. YAY! :) I am sooo stoked! :) makes a good start to my tuesday! Thanks sooo much! I <3 forts! :)

  6. This list is perfect. Nothing better than ice cold coke in a bottle.

  7. I love forts, my sister and I used to make pillow forts it was fabulous!


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