Friday, March 12, 2010

Fill in the blank (orignally posted by lauren)

Lauren over at the little things we do does a fill in the blank every Friday. I looove reading them, although I don't typically post them (due to the time factor), but this week I decided I needed to.

Here's my list:

1. The best day ever was honestly, I’m blessed that I’ve had a ton of wonderful days. I don’t know if I can pick just one....

2. My favorite meal of the day is breakfast food at dinner because it’s the best of both worlds!

3. This weekend will be full!!! Tonight I work 8am- 11pm; Tomorrow (Saturday) I have my nephews boy scouts dinner; Sunday I work all day.

4. Never in my life have I been married or had kids. When I was little I totally wanted to be married right outta college, but now....I’m not so sure I want either of those....

5. The only thing better than sleeping in is a day off that consists of lots of sleep!

6. I could really do with some sleep. I didn’t sleep too well last night (didn’t feel great).

7. The most recent thing I bought myself was this dress. :)
(And I’ve been good during lent- I haven’t bought a thing, although of course there are a TON of things that my closet is dying to have....)

Now you must go check out her adorable blog!!!

Happy Friday!


  1. The dress is really cute. So're not sure if you want to get married or have kids??? That doesn't sound like you...

  2. OOoooh, Super cute dress! You aren't buying anything during lent? My husband and I did that for the month of January and it was rough. Props to you :)

  3. I miss Kellie posts! I hope your weekend was great and not tooooo busy :)


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