Monday, March 15, 2010

5 loves on monday (v.10) PINK edition

Confession: i loooove pink. And these pink things make me happyhappyhappy!!!

1. ribbons

perfect for scrapbooking or for your hair :)

2. tights!!!

3, shoes

-i really want a pretty pair of pink heels. :)

4. luggage

5. flowers

Hope you all have had an awesome weekend. Mine has been a little....less than perfect to say the least. I spent all of Friday sick. I actually don't remember ever feeling that bad before, but luckily I'm feeling better now and I've had tons of time to catch up on sleep and movies (I love you netflix!!!)

How was your weekend???

<3 kel


  1. Awesome! I love this list- Pink is my favorite color and I could look at mostly pink photographs all day long.

    p.s. I hope that you are feeling a million times better now!

  2. me too, which is one reason i love!!!
    im feeling mostly better now. thanks courtney!!

  3. love this post! especially the pink part of it! :)

  4. If I wore some of those shoes I would break my neck! lol. One of my Day Zero goals is to learn how to walk in heels...we'll see how that goes.
    I love all of the pink :)
    So soory you were feeling bad, but glad you are doing better. I was missing your posts over the weekend.

  5. These are just GORGEOUS. I'd totally go for those adorable pink bows, or the vintage shoes. SWOON. :D

  6. Beautiful pictures :) Glad you're feeling betternow.


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