Friday, March 5, 2010

seriously cool!

So.... the boy sent me a link to this awesome thing!! It is by far one of the coolest things ever. And of course, I want one...BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

learn more about it here.

In other news, last night I got to thinking about my goals. I have a bucket list (thatI want to complete before I die) and just some yearly or monthly goals. One that I've been slacking on and really want is a penpal! Not just the everyday penpal, but one that I can send pretty little packages too and vice versa. Anyone game?????

I'm sooooo glad it's Friday! I can't wait for the weekend!
Hope all of you have a wonderful and sunny weekend! :)



  1. I'm totally game!
    I love typing notes on my typewriter and sending out little presents to people.
    I'm totally up for it.

  2. Oh that is SO neat. :) I'll have to look into that and find out more. :) Cutee blog! Love it.

  3. that pen is insanely awesome!! i love that!!

    && if you still need a penpal, sign me up!!

    email me lehuaruble[at]msn[dot]com

  4. That pen just blew my mind!!! We may not have jet packs and floating cars, but we can draw in the perfect apple red!

  5. coleandjosephine-- haha yes very true. i guess we know where our priorities lie.

    im loving the responses to penpals--- i will def be emailing you ladies!!!!

  6. I love penpals! I'm definatly up for it! :) it would be super fun!

    That pen is awesome!!

  7. Oh my gosh. I want one of those pens yesterday.

  8. Penpals are so much fun! I'd love to have one, too. :D Haha, looks like you'll have plenty people to send you mail now.

  9. Love the pen! Penpals are a great idea.

  10. THAT PEN. that's crazy? is it like REAL INK? that's insane!

    and about peggy- she's actually a babe. (thanks to google images) and i heard she gets prettier as the season goes on. oh, peggy!


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