Thursday, March 4, 2010

this is real love

I was sent an e-mail the other day by my mom, who got it from our friends in Pensacola, FL. It included a link that talked about our close family friend and her cancer story.

Even though I knew what she had been through, I cried. She is one of my role models in life and I have always looked up to her. She use to be a teacher, so during Thanksgiving breaks when my parents and I trek to Pensacola, she always finds time to help me with creating lessons for my elementary education classes. It's a blessing to have her and her family in my life, and in fact, they are more of a family to us than just friends. I grew up with them, I've known them my whole life and reading this article reaffirmed how lucky I am to know them, especially Kerri.

She's gone through so much but has had an amazing support system, which includes her (now) husband. His part of the article really made me tear up. It's soooo sweet hearing about a guy that has stuck with such a wonderful woman who was going through such a horrible time. I feel like in reading this article, I have a much better understanding of what real love is actually like.

Before I say anymore, go read it yourself. And grab some Kleenex!

here is her story.



  1. beautiful story, and thanks for the well-wishes!

  2. I know, I thought the story was very well done!


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