Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday wishes!! (v.1)

Exciting news here!!!!!! Courtney from you will won't you and I have teamed up to do a new weekly feature, Wednesday Wishes! I'm super excited (both to have a new weekly installment, but mostly because it means collaborating with Courtney!) Go check out her blog, like now! (This post will still be waiting when you get back! :)

While we are creating this as a team effort in order to keep each other motivated in doing it, we also want to invite all of you to join us!!! There are a couple ways you can join in on the fun.

1- send either Courtney (via her blog) or me an email (mine is that includes some of your wishes and we will add them to our Wednesday wishes posts; or

2- start your own Wednesday wishes installment on your blog. (and link us to it via our comment sections, so we can read them!!!)
If you want to, contact Courtney for the Wednesday graphic so that you can use it on your blog too.

We're really excited about this and I hope that all of you can join in on our fun!! :)

With that being said, here's my wish list:

1. warmer weather. yes courtney made the same wish, i honestly think it's a wish nation wide. this winter has just been too cold and too long. i've never lived anywhere but Florida and this cold weather makes me think twice about being able to live anywhere else.

2. a starbucks latte. i have a slight (or maybe not so slight) addiction to starbucks (and caffeine in general). about this time in the afternoon i really start to feel drained and ready to go home. i feel like i need a good starbucks latte to keep me going right now. a yummy white chocolate mocha might do the trick, or maybe a pumpkin spice latte.....(although i think those are gone already. boo).

3. to finish decorating my room. it's been an ongoing effort for a looooong time. a lot of it has to do with one shelf that doesn't seem to want to be hung. i can't figure out why, but it just refuses. there doesn't seem to be anything keeping it from hanging, but alas it still doesn't cooperate. other than that, i have a few other odds and ends that i need to do to complete my bedroom makeover (like curtains.....)

4. one of these pretty dresses from modcloth.

too bad i've given up shopping for lent..... :(

5. to sell enough krispy kreme donuts for our youth group to have enough money to do fun things like field trips (bowling anyone?), camp, mission trips, youth room decorations and materials (books, curtains, bibles, etc.) and to finish the beautiful mural a couple of the girls are creating in our youth room. By the can help make this *wish* come true but buying some from me!! It's $6.50 per dozen and I'm selling donut certificates to those that live far away, so that you can get your donuts at a krispy kreme store near you whenever you so desire!!

Thanks for reading!!!

...and you can read Courtney's first set of wishes here.

<3<3<3 kel


  1. Krispy kreams and girl scouts cookies. two of my weaknesses!

  2. Aweome! I love your wishes. I hope they all come true. I've updated my post so that you are cross linked. I hope that we can get this ball rolling with many other well-wishers!

  3. i hope you sell all those donuts!

    if i was nearby i'd by some right now, because i LOVE LOVE LOVE donuts. a bad way. probably best that i don't live nearby now that i think of it.... haha :).

    happy wednesday!

  4. thanks ladies!!!
    and lauren...i guess that means i shouldnt mention that you could just buy a certficate from me (and get a dozen krispy kreme from a store near you whenener you wanted one!) ;)


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